Please feel free to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry.
08185112170We have extremely qualified personel on our books always ready to take your appointments.
Delivering top level quality of healthcare diagnostics in a courteous, respectful, and compassionate and ensure that we are the best and first choice option available to our clients.
We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of personal health regimes. We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare diagnostics service provider centered around clinical and service excellence.
This is used for acquiring detailed anatomic information from a cross-sectional plane of the body. This is particularly useful in patients of accidents and emergency.
Against the conventional background, this gives better resolution of images and minimizes multiple use films, hence, reduced cost and time of production.
This is a radiologic examination specifically designed for the female breast to screen for cancer. It can sometimes detect cancer of the breast as early as 2 years before the lesion becomes palpable thereby the scourge of death from cancer.
This is the examination of the interior of the different canals and viscus such as the bowels of the human body.
This technology sends sound waves into the body, recording the reflection and uses pre-programmed algorithm to obtain the x, y and z coordinates of the images obtained to creates a 4D effects. Mothers can now view their babies clearer than before and can be recorded for after examination personal viewing.
This is used for a detailed assessment of blood flow, vessel/valves competency and vascular related disease conditions.
This is the detailed ultrasound analysis of the heart anatomy and functions.
This technology tracks and records brain wave patterns with a view to understanding and proffering solutions to neuro and mental activities.
To include services such as histo-pathology, E & U Creatinine, Reproductive hormonal Tests, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Liver Function Test (LFT), Thyroid Function Test, Lipid profile test among others.